
Globetrotting (week 9)

We discussed about globetrotting and travel during this week. Our group has chosen a beautiful amazing country which is Kashmir, Pakistan. We chose Kashmir because of their breathtaking scenery, unique cuisine and their traditional culture.

Internet of Things (IoT) (week 6)

 During week of six, we manage to discuss about 'Internet of Things (IoT)' which is our group has chosen the service system which is a shopping system. Based on our discussion, the item selected from the website will be popped-out as a notification at the shopping cart status, then the order can be managed. The notification will be received automatically toward us through our official email. After that, when the customer does their payment gateway, email notification will be provided as a record. A social collaboration can be done through all the comments and the review inside the blog. Finally, the reports and data analysis can be go through.

Arts and Culture (week 5)

Congkak Congkak(Congklak) is a mancala game of Malay origin played in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Southern Thailand and also some parts of Sumatra and Borneo. The word congkak was believed originated from the old Malay ‘congak’, gives meaning as mental calculation that was practiced in this game. It is believed that the game originated in Malacca Kingdom where it became very popular and spread to the South East Asia region. This spread was due to the many travelers who visited the kingdom because it was a trading city. In the early days it is thought that this game was for the king and family and the palace residents, however later it spread to the general population of the kingdom. Wau The word ‘Wau’ was derived from the Arabic letter ‘Wau’ as the shape of the wing resemblances to the outline of the particular letter. It was also said that the farmer in the past used Wau to scarecrow to ward off the birds from their paddy fields. In Malaysia, the most popular of all

My Source of Happiness (week 3)

During the third week, we have done a discussion about happiness. Every group were given a task to build a slideshow and present the list of happiness in their life. The statistic were based on the poll by using the google forms from each group and the questions were spread randomly.

Mental Health (week 2)

What Is Mental Health? Main page content Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. Over the course of your life, if you experience mental health problems, your thinking, mood, and behavior could be affected. Many factors contribute to mental health problems, including: Biological factors, such as genes or brain chemistry Life experiences, such as trauma or abuse Family history of mental health problems Mental health problems are common but  help is available . People with mental health problems can get better and many  recover  completely. Early Warning Signs Not sure if you or someone you know is living with mental health problems? Experiencing one or more of the following feelings or behaviors can be an e

Globetrotting Video

Let's have a look at our video by clicking on this link  👉